Columbia launches school survey

Columbia School District wants to know what you think!

Board members and faculty have created an online survey at the district’s website – – with questions regarding the schools. Each parent can access the school their child attends and answer questions regarding safety, communication and staff.

Board member Amy Miller said that it is part of Columbia’s ongoing mission to increase communication between parents and the school district.

“As part of our school improvement process, we periodically conduct surveys in order to gather valuable information that is used to refine and direct our efforts to continually improve teaching and learning,” Miller said. “Anonymous feedback from parents within the district is important to us.”

The survey has been launched this week to coincide with parent teacher conferences.


  1. This survey is primarily for parents. We will conduct separate surveys for the community and for students very soon. More details to follow!

  2. Do administrators ever actually retire from Columbia Central School District? Is there an age requirement for retirement...80, 90, 95?

    Are there not capable, qualified administrators available in the district?

  3. I wish as alumni I could post.
    Was in the school Monday and noticed the dozens of buckets on the floor and there was water everywhere. Watched ceiling tiles fall and heard about them moving kids lockers because of more ceiling tiles. Art programs money cut, but not the sports. And they STILL can't afford new tiles.

  4. I feel that as long as a administrator is doing a fine job, they have the right to retire. People need to adhere to the policies and procedures. We as a community need to focus on what's priority and important for the district and the children. Focus on the issues in front of you, not what you wish you could change.
